Pershore Arts Aims & Objectives
Where did WANA go ?
WANA was not something from outer space but the old name for Pershore Arts, a thriving local organisation which covers not only Pershore but the surrounding area as well. In fact about 50% of our members live outside the town. WANA (Wychavon Area Network for Artists) changed its name some years ago. So just what does Pershore Arts do?
Currently the society has about 35 members who enjoy the visual arts in different ways. There are those who draw, sketch and paint in all sorts of media and those whose passion is photography. We have had sculptors and woodcarvers too among our members. Everyone is encouraged to take part in our activities but, because art is by definition subjective, we are in no way judgemental or critical of our fellow members.
Exhibiting our talents
Our members appreciate the chance to exhibit with us and this year alone we have been able to exhibit our work at our summer exhibition at No 8, in the Abbey on Plum Festival Monday and currently we have an exhibition planned for the Evesham Arts Centre. Upcoming is an exciting, collaborative project between ourselves and the owners of the Walled Garden at Croome which will result in a “Walled Garden” exhibition next year. All our members are welcome to submit their work – the only criteria we ask for is that the artist’s work is original and that he or she wants to show the world the talent they possess.
Meeting together
Exhibiting our work is not all we do. There is an active sketchbook group which meets monthly, sometimes on location and sometimes at No 8 and the photographers also meet once a month. At times we go walkabout but mostly we show and tell, comparing notes and generally helping each other where we can. For both groups the most important goal is the sharing of information and ideas. A newsletter keeps our members up to date with all that's goings on – it is not only informative but a state of the art (pun intended) piece of attractive journalism.
If you think you may like to join us, please contact us for more information.
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