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The Small Outdoors: How pershore Arts members celbrated their gardens during the Covid-19 pandemic

The Small Outdoors

The last three months have surely been the strangest, and most frightening period of our lives, as a nation. We’ve heard of and experienced events we’ve never encountered before, and come through a lengthy suspension of our liberty. In lockdown at home, many of us learned to appreciate our own outdoor spaces more than ever, as refuges from the unfolding health crisis, somewhere to enjoy fresh air, the diurnal world and sunshine. When Hazel Green suggested gardens as the subject for an article, it seemed the ideal theme for the whole newsletter. Here’s how some of Pershore Arts members have celebrated their gardens during the Covid19 pandemic.

In My Garden

by Hazel Green

In My Garden By Hazel Green

As a professional gardener, I have been fortunate to be able to continue with much of my work during lockdown, at a time when many people lucky enough to have a garden have looked again at them with a realisation of what they have and how enjoyable immediate living space can be. I have also been one of few social encounters for some of those in isolation.

As a photographer I have a straightforward approach, I am not a technician. I simply try to capture the atmosphere of what I see around me or light, colour and shape. Talking to a friend about this last year, we decided that I am of a ‘Point, Press and Print’ variety. And here is a selection of the photographs I have taken in my garden.

Hazel Green's garden pond

Ponds are fantastic but do need more work than most people realise. After completely refurbishing my ponds I was really glad to see the first water lily leaf appear.

A photo from Hazel Green's garden

I live on a hill at the highest point of Worcester. The south facing garden falls away from the house. The upper terrace takes the full force of the wind especially the prevailing south west. In theory, a low maintenance garden but in reality, all gardens take work.

Hazel Green

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